FSA Board meeting papers published for September 2020

4 Sep 2020 10:39 AM

The agenda and papers for the September Board meeting have been published.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be an online event only on Wednesday 16 September 2020. It will begin at 9.30am and will be chaired by FSA Chair Heather Hancock. You can register to view online (Opens in a new window)

The agenda includes updates on:

A full agenda and published papers can be viewed in the Board meeting section of our website (Opens in a new window)

How to register for the open Board meeting  

The September Board meeting will be held online only. You can register to watch the meeting live online (Opens in a new window).  

If you need help to register, or have any queries, please contact us:  

Tel: 01772 767731 

Email: fsaboardmeetings@glasgows.co.uk 

Submitting a question 

You can submit questions from Monday 14 September until 12:00 on Tuesday 15 September to board.sec@food.gov.uk (Opens in a new window)

Any questions received after the deadline, including on Tuesday 15 September, will be answered by correspondence only. 

More information about submitting questions is available on our Board webpage (Opens in a new window)

COVID-19 and changes to 2020 FSA Board Meetings 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, FSA arrangements for Board meetings have changed for the remainder of 2020. Board and Business Committee meetings will be conducted online.    

Details of the new schedule of meetings is available on our Board webpage (Opens in a new window)