GCS launches Year of Marketing

3 May 2019 03:43 PM

GCS has launched the Year of Marketing, an ambitious initiative to ignite discussion around evolving societal and technological trends and the implications for Government marketing.

The programme will focus on enabling government communicators to stay ahead of trends and challenges in the marketing industry through events and training.

GCS has published a thought-piece (5MB), in partnership with Manning Gottlieb, highlighting the marketing trends that GCS predict will shape the marketing landscape over the next year and beyond. The piece, developed by senior government marketers looks ahead to the future of marketing and the corresponding implications for government communicators.

In the Year of Marketing, GCS sets out six opportunities for government marketeers to consider the effects of, discuss, and act upon:

Throughout the year, GCS will host training sessions, events, and discussions on these trends for government communicators. These will be designed to inspire members to continue pushing boundaries with marketing strategies, equipping them with the skills and tools to deliver the best possible campaigns with the citizen at the heart.

Visit the Year of Marketing page on the GCS website.

Contact the team at yearofmarketing@cabinetoffice.gov.uk to find out more about opportunities to get involved.