IFS - The 2012 tuition fee reforms made the poorest graduates £1,500 better off, but reforms since have more than wiped out this gain

6 Jul 2017 09:25 AM

The major reforms to English higher education in 2012 increased university funding by around 25%, funded primarily by increased payments from richer graduates. Meanwhile, the lowest-earning third of graduates were actually better off as a result of the reform, by an average of £1,500.

Changes since 2012 have been heavily focused on further reducing the cost to central government. Replacing maintenance grants with loans reduces the government deficit, but results in students from low-income families graduating with the highest debt levels, in excess of £57,000. Freezing the repayment threshold in cash terms reduces the long-run taxpayer cost, but the increased repayments are concentrated amongst low- and middle-earning graduates. Expected repayments from the lowest-earning third of graduates have increased by about 30% since 2012, more than wiping out the benefit they would have received from the 2012 reform.

In their recent manifesto, the Labour party pledged to scrap tuition fees. This would have increased government borrowing by at least £11 billion a year. But the high debts, high interest rates and low repayment rates in the current system will also create problems for graduates and the public finances if left unchanged. These are among the key findings in new work published today by IFS researchers, produced with funding from ESRC, illustrating some of the effects of recent changes to HE finance on universities, the public finances and graduates themselves.

On the plus side, changes since 2011 have:

On the other hand, the design of the current system creates some problems:

Jack Britton, an author of the report, said:

“Recent policy changes have increased university funding and reduced long-term government spending on HE while substantially increasing payments by graduates, especially high-earning graduates. There is probably not much further to go down this route, but proposals for reducing student fees tend to hit the public finances while benefiting high earners the most.”

Chris Belfield, an author of the report, said:

“Interest rates on student loans reached up to 6.1% in March 2017 and are very high compared with current market rates. Combined with high levels of debt, this increases average debt on graduation by £5,800. There is no impact on the repayments of the lowest earners, but the highest earners can expect to repay up to £40,000 in interest payments.”

Laura van der Erve, an author of the report, said:

“Universities are undoubtedly better off under the current system than they were before the 2012 reforms. However, their incentives have shifted towards providing low-cost subjects. This does not sit comfortably with the government’s intention to promote typically high-cost STEM subjects.”

Notes to Editors:

  1. The briefing note entitled “Higher education funding in England: past, present and options for the future” by Chris Belfield (Research Economist at IFS), Dr Jack Britton (Senior Research Economist at IFS), Professor Lorraine Dearden (Professor of Economics and Social Statistics at University College London and Research Fellow at IFS) and Laura van der Erve (Research Economist at IFS) was published on the IFS website at 00.01 Wednesday 5 July 2017.

If you have any queries, please contact the IFS press office: Bonnie Brimstone: bonnie_b@ifs.org.uk / 07730 667013 / 020 7291 4800

  1. This research was funded by the ESRC Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP) at IFS. Jack Britton would like to thank the British Academy for funding through a postdoctoral grant. The authors would like to thank the Department for Education for providing the linked NPD–HESA data.
  2. Our estimates focus just on young English-domiciled full-time undergraduate students. We assume that earnings will grow in line with the Office for Budget Responsibility forecast for average economy-wide earnings growth from the January 2017 Fiscal Sustainability Report and the November 2016 Economic and Fiscal Outlook. We assume no dropouts and that all students take out the full amount of the loans to which they are entitled and pay them back according to the repayment schedule (with no early repayments and no avoidance). Students repay 9% of their income above a threshold which increases with average earnings growth from 2021. Any debt left outstanding 30 years after graduation is written off. Therefore, if a graduate has not finished repaying the principal value of their loan after 30 years, all the interest accrued is written off and the graduate is unaffected by the interest rate charged.

All figures are in 2017 prices. Government cost figures have been discounted back to 2017 using the government’s discount rate for the student loan system of RPI+0.7%. Student cost figures have not been discounted, but are deflated back to 2017 prices using CPI inflation.

To estimate the total cost of the system to government, we use 2015–16 HESA statistics on the number of English-domiciled full-time undergraduate students that started university in 2015–16.

To estimate the implications of the 2012 and more recent reforms, we assume that maintenance grants and loans would have increased in line with the rates applying in 2017–18 to students who started their course before the reforms and hence still fall under the old systems.