Improved anti-bullying measures

28 May 2018 01:36 PM

Incidents to be recorded.

A new way of monitoring and recording bullying in Scottish schools will be introduced this autumn. 

The standardised approach will make it easier for teachers to identify trends and address the problem.

Updated guidance will be issued to schools and local authorities setting out how to consistently record information about the type and prevalence of bullying, to help them further support pupils.

Deputy First Minister, John Swinney said:

“It’s every child’s right not to be bullied and having a consistent way of recording and monitoring incidents will help schools identify issues and act quickly and effectively.

“This includes support for children involved in these incidents but also programmes to prevent bullying and promote positive relationships and behaviour.”

Larry Flanagan, General Secretary of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), said:

“The EIS believes that all forms of bullying need to be challenged effectively; accurate recording and monitoring of instances of bullying should facilitate the provision of appropriate support and resourcing, where required, to allow schools to do this.”


From this autumn, schools will be able to record and monitor incidents of bullying using SEEMiS, the existing school management system.

The introduction of a universal monitoring system is a recommendation of the expert Recording and Monitoring Working Group.

Anti-bullying guidance has been updated to set out the responsibilities of local authorities and head teachers to monitor bullying in schools and identify how improvements can be made to ensure their schools are supporting the wellbeing of children and young people.

To support the roll out of this guidance, the Scottish Government funded anti-bullying service ‘respectme’ will continue its work with local authorities and other organisations working with children and young people  to build confidence and capacity to address bullying effectively.