Keep your charity safe - watch out for phishing scams

16 Oct 2017 04:30 PM

This alert is being issued because of increasing reports of phishing scams. We are urging charities to be vigilant and protect themselves from harm.

Phishing is when fraudsters attempt to hoax users and get hold of sensitive information such as:

They do this through electronic communication like email, pop-up message, phone call or text message.

Action Fraud get around 8,000 reports of phishing each month, which shows the scale of these scams.

Charities, like any other organisation, can be at risk and we are urging trustees to be vigilant.

It’s important to consider how to protect your charity from harm online. You can read detailed advice from government on improving cyber security. You can also find out how to become accredited under the Cyber Essentials Scheme.

If you think your charity has been affected by a phishing scam, whether it was prevented or not, report it to Action Fraud through their website or call them on 0300 123 2040.

If your charity has fallen victim to a phishing scam and lost sensitive data or valuable funds, you need to report it to us as a serious incident.

You can take this preventative action now:

The Charity Commission (independent regulator of charities in England and Wales) has issued this alert to charities as regulatory advice under section 15(2) of the Charities Act 2011.