Ordnance Survey International helps the UAE manage Climate Change

31 Jan 2017 11:47 AM

Ordnance Survey International and Deimos Space UK are to work with the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre in Dubai to help the United Arab Emirates (UAE) improve how it plans and manages its natural resources and infrastructure.

Ordnance Survey International will establish a strategy for the development of a single source of digital geospatial data for UAE government departments to enable a variety of key policy initiatives.

Aerial view of Abu Dhabi


Advanced data analytic tools developed by Deimos Space UK and the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre will demonstrate the value of new geospatial data extracted from high-resolution satellite imagery.

Andy Wilson, Director of Business Development, Ordnance Survey International, says: “UAE has undergone rapid growth and in developing their geospatial capabilities we are ultimately delivering the power of better decision making.

“In Great Britain, we see how Ordnance Survey’s single source of accurate rich data drives innovation and collaboration, providing the platform, locally and nationally, on which to plan, build and maintain. Great Britain and the UAE have a long-standing friendship, and it’s an honour for us to share our experience and expertise with the UAE, its government, businesses and people.”

The project will deliver:

  1. A proof of concept prototype to create (a) a vegetation index of the UAE (b) a palm tree counting algorithm. These will increase the level of awareness of the impact of urban development on the environment of UAE. The information, extracted from satellite data, will study aspects such as vegetation dynamics, plant phonological changes over time, biomass production, land cover changes, soil moisture, irrigation needs and the effect of Climate Change.
  2. A digital data model and strategic roadmap towards a common digital geospatial data platform to be deployed across UAE government departments, which will improve efficiency and provide the basis for future spatial projects.

Peter Hedlund, Managing Director of Ordnance Survey International, explains: “The conservation of natural resources is a global concern, geospatial data often reveals the simplest answers to many of the world’s most complex questions. In the UAE natural resources, rising population, high energy demands and Climate Change are very real challenges. The UAE’s Ministry of Climate Change and Environment requires this reliable up-to-date geospatial information to support the development and implementation of plans to protect the environment and manage water resources.”

Philip Davies, Managing Director of Deimos Space UK, says: “This project will give Deimos Space UK the additional capacity needed to build on its existing R&D relationship with MBRSC in Dubai and create a sustainable commercial relationship with the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi and other UAE Government organisations. We believe that the lower cost and wider availability of Earth Observation (EO) data, together with new data analytics techniques, will enable many new applications in environmental monitoring and urban planning.”

Adnan Mohammad Alrais, Manager, Business Development & External Relations at MBRSC, says: “We are delighted to continue our collaboration with Deimos Space UK and welcome the opportunity to work with OSI and colleagues across the UAE to make the best possible use of data from DubaiSat-2.”

The UK Space Agency is funding the project in the UAE as part of a wider UK Government initiative to encourage greater collaboration between the UK, UAE and other Gulf states. Her Majesty’s Ambassador to UAE, Philip Parham, says: “This forms part of the British Government’s broader strategic commitment to strengthening partnerships with research bodies and higher education institutions in the Gulf. Britain leads the world in many areas of science and scientific research. We look forward to establishing more partnerships between the UK and Gulf research institutions”.

Notes to Editors

About Ordnance Survey International
Ordnance Survey International makes Ordnance Survey knowledge available worldwide. Ordnance Survey has delivered its own modernisation programme which has future-proofed the national mapping organisation by developing a ‘fit-for-the-future’ workforce, deploying best of breed technical solutions and establishing itself as an internationally-recognised thought leader within the global geospatial community. os.uk/international

About Ordnance Survey
Britain’s mapping agency, Ordnance Survey, makes the most up-to-date and accurate digital and paper maps of the country. Each day OS makes over 10,000 changes to its database of more than 500 million geographic features. Since 1791 OS data has been used to help governments, companies and individuals work more effectively both here and around the world. The information OS gathers helps keep the nation, economy and infrastructure moving. os.uk/about/

About Deimos Space UK
Deimos Space UK, a subsidiary of Elecnor Deimos, was created in 2013 to address the UK market for space systems, services and applications. Elecnor Deimos is in the rare position of being a creator of space systems, an operator of commercial Earth Observation (EO) satellites and a developer of EO applications. The company’s knowledge of satellites, data systems and location based services puts it in a unique position when developing satellite applications. www.elecnor-deimos.com/en/

About UK Space Agency
The UK Space Agency is an executive agency of the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. It is at the heart of UK efforts to explore and benefit from space, with responsibility for ensuring that the UK retains and grows a strategic capability in space-based systems, technologies, science and applications. It leads the UK’s civil space programme in order to deliver sustainable economic growth, secure new scientific knowledge and provide benefit to all citizens. www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-space-agency

About the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre
The Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre is a Dubai government entity that was originally established in 2006 as the Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology (EIAST), accumulating knowledge, recruiting Emirati scientists and engineers, and launching advanced scientific projects. MBRSC was established in April 2015 by the Dubai Government, a strategic initiative to inspire scientific innovation, technological advancement, and to advance sustainable development in UAE. www.mbrsc.ae/en

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