techUK’s Annual Equal Pay Survey results revealed

19 Feb 2016 03:14 PM

Our annual Equal Pay Survey looks at pay and employment practices in the technology industry.

Results reveal interesting discrepancies between males and females when responding to queries on perceptions of equality in the workplace.

Our annual Equal Pay Survey looks at pay and employment practices in the technology industry and a total of 69 people completed this survey. 64% of respondents were female and 36% male. Respondents were encouraged to leave comments, all of which can be found in the report.

Most respondents were from large companies, with 61% of respondents representing companies with more than 250 employees. The results revealed that there is some discrepancy in perceptions of equal pay, and some in practice. The majority of respondents stated that there was a lack of transparency in pay structure and methods by which their organisation awards salary, bonuses and company perks.

Interestingly, 22% of female respondents felt that taking leave related to childcare impacted their career, something none of the male respondents experienced. Double the females that asked for a pay rise didn’t receive one (16%) as compared to males (8%).

The full results can be found below.

At techUK we strongly believe that having a gender balanced workforce across the IT sector strengthens the ability to retain its market position as the cornerstone of industry across global markets. By widening the talent pool and bringing in the brightest and best people, regardless of gender or ethnicity, the IT sector will continue to thrive and grow in both size and stature. Part of ensuring a gender balanced workforce is ensuring culture is changed in the industry and perceptions are shifted.

To champion change within the industry, techUK runs a number of initiatives for women through four work streams:

  1. Youth in Tech: Driving change in the way young people and girls in particular perceive the tech industry
  2. Tech for Life: Increased number of women returning to the technology industry.
  3. Challenging Industry: Highlighting industry’s role and challenging industry to do more to raise the number of women in the technology industry.
  4. Conditions for Change: Informing top-down policy including on skilled migration, challenging numbers of women on Boards and providing the conditions to make a gender balanced workforce possible.

Members can get involved in ongoing projects with the Women in Tech programme - the more members that engage with these issues, the more progress we will make. For more information please see our Women in Tech programme pages here or get in touch with Doniya Soni.