Health Service Ombudsman
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Ombudsman publishes principles of remedy

Ombudsman publishes principles of remedy

PARLIAMENTARY AND HEALTH SERVICE (OMBUDSMAN) News Release issued by The Government News Network on 15 October 2007

In her Principles for Remedy, published Thursday 11 October 2007, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Ann Abraham, sets out the Principles she believes public bodies should use when considering remedies for injustice or hardship resulting from maladministration or poor service.

The Principles for Remedy flow from, and should be read with, the Principles of Good Administration, which Ms Abraham launched in March 2007 and which have been welcomed across Government and the NHS.

Ms Abraham said, 'Remedying injustice is a key part of the Ombudsman's work and our aim in setting out these Principles is to explain more clearly how we think public bodies and NHS providers should go about putting things right when things have gone wrong.'

She added: 'We want public bodies to be fair and take responsibility, acknowledge failures and apologise for them, make amends, and use the opportunity to improve their services.

'We are keen to discuss with those involved in public services how these Principles can best be put into practice.'
Today, the Ombudsman is giving a keynote speech on Remedies, redress and solutions: what do Ombudsmen have to offer? at the seminar of the National Ombudsmen of EU Member States and Candidate Countries in Strasbourg.

Notes to Editors:

* The Principles accord with HM Treasury's guidelines on remedy as set out in Managing Public Money and will be reflected in the next edition of the NHS Finance Manual.

* The six Principles for Remedy are: Getting it right, Being customer focused, Being open and accountable, Acting fairly and proportionately, Putting things right, and Seeking continuous improvement.

* You can read the Principles for Remedy and the Principles of Good Administration on our website:

* The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman investigates complaints about government departments and a range of other public bodies in the UK, and the NHS in England. She is independent of the Government, the civil service and the NHS. Her services are free and confidential.

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