Foreign,Commonwealth and Development Office
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Change of Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Guatemala and Her Majesty's Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of El Salvador and the Republic of Honduras

Change of Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Guatemala and Her Majesty's Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of El Salvador and the Republic of Honduras
FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE News Release issued by COI News Distribution Service. 23 September 2008

Ms Julie Chappell OBE has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Guatemala and Her Majesty's Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of El Salvador and the Republic of Honduras in succession to Mr Ian Hughes, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Ms Chappell will take up her appointment during May 2009.


Full Name: Ms Julie Louise Jo Chappell OBE

2006 - 2008 Addis Ababa, Regional Conflict Advisor

2004 - 2006 FCO, Head NATO Section, Security Policy Department

2004 Washington, Secondment to State Department

2003 - 2004 Baghdad, Secondment to Coalition Provisional Authority

2000 - 2003 Amman, Second Secretary Political/Economic

1999 - 2000 FCO, Central Africa Desk, Africa Directorate (Equatorial)

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