New Chief Executive appointed to the Shareholder Executive
12 Oct 2006 01:15 PM
Martin Bryant, former Group Director of Business Development at Boots
and Chief Operating Officer at BP Retail, has today been appointed as
Chief Executive of the Shareholder Executive. Martin is currently
Director of Strategy at the Home Office.
Martin will take over as Chief Executive from Richard Gillingwater
who took on a new role as Chair of the Shareholder Executive in
September. Martin will report to Richard and through him to the
Cabinet Secretary, Sir Gus O'Donnell.
Martin's appointment was confirmed by the Prime Minister and Sir Gus
Speaking on the appointment Sir Brian Bender, DTI Permanent
Secretary, said:
"I am delighted that Martin Bryant is joining the Shareholder
Executive. His experience at the highest levels in business and the
Civil Service make him superbly placed to lead the Shareholder
Executive in the next phase of its development."
Sir Gus O'Donnell, said:
"The Shareholder Executive is an excellent example of the Civil
Service reform agenda in action. Martin Bryant will bring
professional skills in business development and general management to
complement the Shareholder Executive's existing strengths in
corporate finance, investment management and Whitehall delivery."
Martin Bryant said:
"I am very much looking forward to joining the Shareholder Executive
and building on the excellent work already begun there to effect a
permanent step change in government's performance as shareholder."
Notes to Editors:
1. Since September 2004 Martin Bryant has been Director of Strategy
at the Home Office. Prior to that Martin spent two years acting as
Interim Chief Operating Officer at BP Retail Ltd. From 1989 to 2002,
Martin worked for The Boots Company Plc. As Director of Corporate
Development he introduced shareholder value management techniques
that initiated major changes to the company's business portfolio and
performance. He developed his career in senior general management
roles being successively Managing Director of Boots Opticians,
Operations Director of Boots the Chemists and Managing Director of
Boots Retail International. Martin is part-time non-executive
chairman of Unilever Venture's Persil Services Ltd.
2. Martin Bryant will take up his new post on 20 November 2006.
3. The Shareholder Executive is a unique organisation within
Government. Established three years ago it:
* manages the Government's shareholder relationship with over 27
major Government-owned businesses such as the Royal Mail, BNFL,
Channel 4, NATS and the Royal Mint - a portfolio of businesses with a
combined turnover of some £20 billion;
* acts on the Government's behalf on issues relating to businesses
that are not under Government ownership, for example on industrial
and regional development, and launch investment;
* advises Ministers and Government departments generally on corporate
finance and other business issues.
4. The Shareholder Executive is located in the Department of Trade
and Industry and works in close partnership with DTI, Treasury, MOD,
Cabinet Office and other Government Departments.
5. The appointment was made in accordance with the Office of the
Civil Service Commissioners' Code of Practice.
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